Trello adds home & lots more…

The latest and greatest news from productivity apps

Francesco D'Alessio
2 min readMay 2, 2018

You won’t believe how much happens in just a week in the software space, here’s our last episode of the Software Pulse in written format, enjoy!

Gmail launches re-design

The first re-design since 2011, but yes, Google has launched a new look for Gmail. It look like this and has a host of new features including snooze…

Trello brings a new homepage look

The leap forward for Trello, a new dashboard centralises it’s notifications and boards in one simple, clean location. Perfect for those hardcore Trello users.

Google introduces Tasks on iOS & Android

The most popular online resource in the world releases a task manager. Google Tasks takes on the tasks space with it’s new dead simple app!

Todoist teases more for Scheduler

Yes, Todoist are launching a new scheduler too. The new tweets reveal images and designs to what and how Scheduler will work!

Asana adds Timeline

A pretty big name in the project management space, Asana, has added a way to see tasks and projects in a timeline view, perfect for teams!

And a few more updates with RTM, Evernote & OneNote…

Watch this week’s episode on YouTube to enjoy what’s new!

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Francesco D'Alessio

Uncovering the future of productivity software. Building Tool Finder. Discover tools: