Why AI-Productivity Admin Will Adapt How We Work: 3 Examples

The value of how AI will change the way we manually unpacked

Francesco D'Alessio
2 min readNov 13, 2022


Productivity AI administration is the next leap for productivity, helping you save time by reducing the need to do lighter, more administration lead tasks.

This won’t be a huge leap, but it’ll take maybe 30 minutes off your day’s work at first and then more like 3–4 hours off as the productivity-AI tools get better.

What we do with that time will be interesting? Work more, or save ourselves for better decision making at work? Only time will tell.

This article is assisted by AI technology.

1. Organization

AI will help us organize our files and folders by automating the process of categorizing and sorting them. By analyzing the content of our files, AI will be able to identify patterns and relationships, and then group similar files together.

This will make it easier for us to find what we’re looking for, and will reduce the amount of time we spend manually organizing our files. Additionally, AI will be able to suggest new ways to organize our files based on our usage patterns, helping us further streamline our work.



Francesco D'Alessio

Productivity software reviewer. Building Tool Finder. Uncovering the future of productivity software. Discover tools: https://toolfinder.co/